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Thomas Lefèvre 05/09/1987 Nationality : French 1m87 - blue eyes - blond hair Email : Phone : +33.(0)
.2017 - Sallinger by Bernard Marie Koltès (The Ginger) - Directed by : Léa Sananes (Cie: Rocking Chair at Theatre Les Déchargeurs, Paris : Sept - Dec 2017)
Feature Film :
. 2017 - Ψ (Thom) - Directed by : Olivier Wright Short-films :
.2017 - Most people exist (Doctor Wilsonberg) - Directed by : Veronika Istomina
.2017 - Sabotage (Maurice) - Directed by : Julie Renaud & Ilana Della Rosa .2016 - Cloître Malot (Pierre Malot) - 48h Project Dijon - Directed by : Henri-Pierre Plais
.2016 - Le Coup Fin (Thomas) - 48h Project Tours - Directed by : Henri-Pierre Plais . 2016 - Take Two (Fred) - Directed by : Brice Thierion . 2016 - Michel (Merlin) - Directed by : Eva Mathis . 2016 - BRANK (Aldo) - Directed by : Fethi Cherif
. 2015 - Waiting for Gaddo (The Hornets Man) - Directed by : Richard Gadd
. Theatre School - Cours Florent, classes with : Laurence Côte - Valérie Nègre - Frédéric Haddou . Singing - classes with : Marie - Claire Coupat
. French (native) & English (fluent, 10 years living in London)
. Bachelor of music composition (University of Hertfordshire), guitar/drums . Baccalauréat (economics) . Driving license / 125 cc motobike license
Petit entête
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